"Last mile FP&A" represents the components of the finance function that are the inevitable realities for finance teams irrespective of the level of sophistication in systems, software, and technology.
Said differently, there are efforts and requests where a well-performing ERP, FP&A software, and data connectivity tools are not collectively the silver bullet for all things FP&A. Whether it is process building and related components within data collection, extraction, or aggregation/transformation, the modern finance team requires key skillsets to be successful (and sane). These include:
Learning Objectives:
Program Deliverables:
System and software advancement remain important goals of the finance function that can accomplish much of the above. That said, even the most sophisticated organizations face the prospect of system and data fragmentation (e.g., acquiring another business and running parallel systems until full integration). Therefore, the strongest finance teams are adaptable to fragmentation, and embrace it as a "way of life" in adding value across their organizations.
Member Spotlight:
Program will be followed by drinks.
The CFO Alliance is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org
In a 'fire side' chat we will learn from a CFO Alliance Member what they are doing to fight margin erosion.
This is a time for you to share insights and best practices with your peers.
Member Price
For Members that pay the Full (All-in) Membership of $1500 or $125/mo.
Standard Price
This is for first time attendees. If you have never attended a CFO Alliance Roundtable please register and attend as our guest. (quailifed finance executives only)